Kneeler and Craft Group
You cannot fail to be ‘wowed’ by the sight of the rows of kneelers as you enter Trinity.
They have been crafted since 1972 by many different ladies (and a few men) of the church. All the kneelers are unique but maintain the uniform colours of two shades of blue, yellow and white. The number of crafters have dwindled over the years and now only Hilda Blomley makes a complete kneeler each year and Jane Howarth mends and maintains the existing ones. They are diverse in design from the traditional religious themes to Lunch Club, Scouts, music and personal anniversaries.
The handcrafting group has widened its scope so that shawls are now made for the sick and/or aged parishioners and for each child under 2 years who is baptised. To support this work, and the church, the group makes handcrafted gifts to sell at the church fairs twice a year under the inspiration and guidance of Joan Marston. The group’s products are becoming well known and commissions are undertaken throughout the year.
Nancy Hart’s Nativity sets are a sure fire winner and to date she has made and sold 51 with more orders in the pipe line for 2018.
This small, but busy, group beavers away at their different tasks all through the year producing numerous items – don’t miss out on the opportunity to purchase one.
For more information contact Joan on: